Dr. Michael Brown Is Considered an Apostle, Ambassador, and Recruiter for NAR by USCAL – Why It’s Reasonable to Conclude



1.The US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (USCAL) considers their organization a part of The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR).

2.Dr. Michael Brown is a national council member of USCAL and USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown an apostle.

3.USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown a primary ambassador of their movement.

4.USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown a proactive recruiter for the movement.

5. Because USCAL considers their organization a part of NAR, and because USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown an apostle, and because USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown  a primary ambassador for the movement and a proactive recruiter for the movement, it’s safe to conclude that USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown an apostle who is a recruiting ambassador for NAR through USCAL. This is a reasonable conclusion.


1.The US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (USCAL) considers their organization a part of The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). (Source)

Apostle Joseph Mattera lead convener/apostle of US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders on the USCAL website calls for a new apostolic reformation. The USCAL website is calling for ushering in a new apostolic reformation, thus it’s more than safe to say USCAL considers itself as part of NAR.

3. Recognizing the apostolic can also help usher in a new apostolic reformation

Some proponents of the apostolic say it is evident the old way of doing things through hierarchical denominationalism is dead or dying (with the exception of Pentecostal denominations, like the Assemblies of God, most denominations are on the decline). By recognizing apostolic ministry we could further accelerate the apostolic reformation that is based on the galvanization of covenantal, voluntary associations of pastors and leaders in regions irrespective of denominational affiliations for the sake of reaching cities and nations.

2.Dr. Michael Brown is a national council member of USCAL and USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown an apostle.

On the USCAL website, lead convener Joseph Mattera says the term apostolic and apostle as used in Ephesians 4:11 are the same. (Source)

By “apostolic” I am referring to a person who functions in the apostolic ministry gift as mentioned in Ephesians 4:11.

In another article on the USCAL website written by lead convener Joseph Mattera he says the term apostolic leadership and apostle are the same thing. (Source)

By “apostolic leadership”, I mean a leader who functions in the ministry gift of apostle as found in Ephesians 4:11.

Dr. Michael Brown is a national council member of  The US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders. (Source)


If twice, the website of USCAL says apostolic and apostle are the same thing, and if Dr. Michael Brown is a national council member of The US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders, it’s safe to conclude USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown an apostle.

3.USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown a primary ambassador of their movement.

As shown above, Dr. Michael Brown is a national council member of USCAL. USCAL says council members are primary ambassadors of the movement. (Source)

USCAL National Council members represent USCAL as the primary ambassadors of the movement.

4.USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown a proactive recruiter for the movement.

One of the requirements for USCAL council members is that they be proactive recruiters for the movement. (Source)

USCAL National Council Member Requirements (as revised on 28th March 2016)

USCAL National Council members represent USCAL as the primary ambassadors of the movement. As such, every National Council member should:

. . .
7. Be proactive in recruiting other potential members into USCAL


Because USCAL considers their organization a part of NAR, and because USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown an apostle, and because USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown  a primary ambassador for the movement and a proactive recruiter for the movement, it’s safe to conclude that USCAL considers Dr. Michael Brown an apostle who is a recruiting ambassador for NAR through USCAL.This is a reasonable conclusion.


Dr. Michael Brown has had USCAL lead convener Joseph Mattera on his show lately.

Mattera on Line of Fire 04-11-2018



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