$1000 to get Hair and Nails Done: God Made it that Way says John Gray


A wife should be given $1000 from her husband to get her hair and nails done because God made it that way. Who would even dare assert something like that? What venue would allow such a speaker?

T.D. Jakes held MegaFest 2017 and had John Gray as a speaker. Gray is an associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church. Osteen is author of Your Best Life Now, so it’s not a stretch to believe the associate pastor under Osteen could tell all of Christendom that God wants a husband to give his wife $1000 to get her hair and nails done.

T.D. Jakes posted this video of John Gray speaking at MegaFest 2017.

What kind of world are these people living in where you just toss $1000 at your wife to get her hair and nails done? This points to the excess of their lifestyle, often at the fleecing of their own flock and followers. All done in the name of Jesus of course.

Paul wrote to the Corinthians about how he was hungry, thirsty, poorly clothed, and homeless.

11 To the present hour we hunger and thirst, we are poorly dressed and buffeted and homeless,12 and we labor, working with our own hands. When reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; 13 when slandered, we entreat. We have become, and are still, like the scum of the world, the refuse of all things. (1 Corinthians 4:11-13 ESV)

What advice would he have given to the Corinthian church?

“Hey my dearest Corinthians. I’m naked, hungry and homeless, but husbands be sure to have a few bucket loads full of denarii so your wives can get their nails and hair done. God made it that way.

Yours truly,
Homeless Paul”

Messages like these promoted by T.D. Jakes and John Gray grossly misrepresent Christianity. Instead of crucifying the flesh, they feed it mammon on steroids.



Did Jentezen Franklin’s Wife take the name of Jesus in Vain?

Jentezen Franklin recently posted a video to Facebook of a family prank on him. The post claims the entire family was in on it. That would include his wife. In the video his wife appears to be taking the name of Jesus in Vain.

If she wasn’t in on the joke, then it might be ungracious to hold words spoken in shock and horror against her. But if she was in on the prank, then she knew exactly what was going on, and those words were not spoken in legitimate shock and horror. Why would Jentezen go ahead and publish this video? You decide.


Apostle Paul was a Religious Devil with a Jezebel Spirit? – Jennifer LeClaire



Paul the apostle may have been a religious devil with a Jezebel spirit if Jennifer LeClaire is correct about prophecy. In the video below she clearly said that if you’re a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ then you are authorized to prophesy.

LeClaire doesn’t qualify her statement with the word some, she’s making a statement to all believers. Under inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul the apostle taught differently.

27 Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. 28 And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire the higher gifts. (1 Corinthians 12:27-31 ESV)

The answer to all of the above is no. All believers are not granted the same gifts.

At this point, some may try to distinguish between the office of prophet, and the ability of an individual believer to prophesy. Even if you can draw the distinction, LeClaire clearly is not making it. Look at her Facebook post below.


One of her hashtags is #prophets. She’s joining her statements in the video to the office of prophet, implying that all Christians can have the office of prophet.

She accuses anyone who disagrees with her of being a religious devil or having a Jezebel spirit. What does that imply about Paul? Paul disagrees with Jennifer LeClaire on this matter.



Patricia King Ascends to Heaven


Patricia King claims she has the ability to ascend into the heavens, and she has apparently received study notes that she describes as almost complete dictation from the Holy Spirit on how you also can ascend into the heavens too.

The bible isn’t clear enough on our ability to ascend to heaven, so she needed some Holy Spirit dictated notes to make up for where the bible is clearing lacking.

We know the bible isn’t lacking of course. We really don’t need whatever Patricia King’s vast imagination can conjure up. In fact when you see her lips start moving, it’s probably a good idea to run away as fast and far as you can.

LeClaire’s Daddy Kicked Her Praise God! – Jennifer LeClaire


Jennifer LeClaire’s apostolic daddy James Goll literally kicked Jennifer LeClaire while at the Upgrade Conference. In response she exclaimed, “Praise God!”

Below you’ll see a Facebook post from Goll describing himself as a father in the faith to Jennifer LeClaire and Ryan LeStrange, and a video from LeClaire describing the prophetic kick in the pants she received from her apostolic daddy.


LeClaire’s brief video is wilted word salad that really doesn’t mean anything at all. It has lots of fun buzzwords, that when strung together appear to mean something, but really it means nothing.

Launch into mega transition, mega upgrade?

Being kicked is normal? It’s desirable?

It’s just weird. Really weird.

Are these people even really preaching the gospel, or are they on some sort of mystical jungle gym trying to climb from bar to bar to bar?


So much of what they say and do distracts from the gospel.

People like LeClaire really should take advice like Dr. Michael Brown gave in a recent video about the doctrines of demons.

He lists anything that takes you away from the exaltation of Jesus, the centrality of the word of God, and being seduced from the simplicity of Christ, as being part of the doctrine of demons.

Using vague buzzwords like mega transition, and mega upgrades, or focusing on being literally kicked by your apostolic daddy seems like it takes away from the exaltation of Christ, centrality of the word of God, and the simplicity of Christ.

People like Jennifer LeClaire need to repent of this worthless nonsense, and people like Dr. Michael Brown who befriend, associate, and minister with them, need to help in the process of calling them out to repentance.