Dr. Michael Brown’s NAR USCAL Agenda to Dictate, Govern, Rule, Control, Infiltrate: Usher in New Apostolic Reformation


1.Dr. Michael Brown is an apostolic leader in USCAL (US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders).

2.USCAL clearly identifies as part of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation).

3. USCAL seeks to usher in a new apostolic reformation.

4.USCAL seeks to restore apostolic ministry, converge with evangelical denominations, and replace pastoral leadership with apostolic leadership.

5.USCAL uses dominionist terms like dictate, govern, rule, control, and infiltrate when describing their agenda.

6. Dr. Michael brown is complicit in promoting the above because he’s an apostolic leader in USCAL.


1.Dr. Michael Brown is an apostolic leader in USCAL (US Coalition of Apostolic Leaders).
Link to source.


2.USCAL clearly identifies as part of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation).
Link to source.
By calling for a new apostolic reformation USCAL is identifying as part of NAR.

3. Recognizing the apostolic can also help usher in a new apostolic reformation

Some proponents of the apostolic say it is evident the old way of doing things through hierarchical denominationalism is dead or dying (with the exception of Pentecostal denominations, like the Assemblies of God, most denominations are on the decline).

3. USCAL seeks to usher in a new apostolic reformation.

Let’s just piggyback off of the source above.

4.USCAL seeks to restore apostolic ministry, converge with evangelical denominations, and replace pastoral leadership with apostolic leadership.
From an article linked on the USCAL Facebook page, written by current USCAL leader Joseph Mattera. Link to source.


“we will explore the necessity of restoring apostolic ministry today”

“I believe that the present embrace of the five-fold ministry of the evangelical pastors in the USA is going to bring a convergence between the charismatic, independent apostolic networks, evangelical networks, and ultimately even evangelical bible confessing denominations.”

“The church will go from being pastorally led to apostolically led and prophetically inspired.”

5.USCAL uses dominionist terms like dictate, govern, rule, control, and infiltrate when describing their agenda. 
This is from USCAL’s 4R Vision page. Link to source.


1.Dr. Michael Brown as an apostolic leader in USCAL is part of NAR, because USCAL identifies as belonging to NAR.

2. Dr. Michael Brown is helping to usher in a new apostolic reformation because he’s a leader in USCAL and USCAL clearly says they’re trying to usher in a new apostolic reformation.

3. Dr. Michael Brown is complicit and active in an agenda to restore apostolic ministry because he’s an apostolic leader in USCAL and they’ve clearly said that’s part of their agenda.

4. Dr. Michael Brown is seeking to converge the NAR agenda with evangelical denominations and replace pastoral leadership with apostolic leadership because he’s an apostolic leader in USCAL and they’ve clearly said that’s part of their agenda.

5. Dr. Michael Brown is complicit and active in promoting a NAR agenda that uses dominionist terms like dictate, govern, rule, control, and infiltrate because he’s an apostolic leader in USCAL and they’ve clearly said that’s part of their agenda.

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